Do SDS prove product Safety Substantiation under MoCRA?” … No.

In fact, virtually all finished cosmetic products are exempt from the requirement for Safety Data Sheets!

Safety Data Sheets are used for the shipping and handling of Hazardous Materials. SDS has nothing to do with proving the safety of your cosmetic products for human use as required by MoCRA!

To establish the safety of your cosmetic products, you need:
– Cosmetic Ingredient Safety Report & Assessment
– Preservative Challenge Test
– Skin Patch Test

A Cosmetic Ingredient Safety Report & Assessment is an analysis of your product by a qualified professional considering:
– Toxicity of Ingredients
– % Inclusion of Ingredients
– Impurities in Ingredients
– Intended Product Use & Exposure
– Propensity for causing Irritation: Skin, Ocular & Allergic reaction
– Microbial Safety
– Product Stability

MoCRA is now in full force and effect! Retailers, lead by Target, are increasingly demanding proof of MoCRA compliance to stock cosmetic products in their stores. And, the FDA under MoCRA has the authority to mandate product recalls for non-compliance with MoCRA.

Protect your Brand Reputation and Business! Contact us for a complimentary MoCRA Audit of your business and products.

We provide outsourced MoCRA Compliance Officer and tailored offerings including FDA Product Registration, Safety Substantiation – Cosmetic Product Safety Reports & Assessments, Product Label Review & Adverse Event Reporting to help you comply with all MoCRA mandates.

We also serve as US Agent & MoCRA Compliance Officer for non-US cosmetic brands selling products in the US market.  Our MoCRA Compliance Services cover all mandates of MoCRA to protect your Brand Reputation and Revenues.

View our slideshow on MoCRA Safety Substantiation here:

About the author : bloomadmin